The Cy Frank Legacy Lectureship

The Cy Frank Legacy Lectureship honours and commemorates the late Dr. Cy Frank, an internationally acclaimed visionary who championed the application of research to create solutions for patients. The lectureship showcases individuals who reflect his passion and commitment to health innovation.

The Cy Frank Legacy Lectureship is supported by the McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health, the Cumming School of Medicine and Alberta Innovates. 

cy frank

Cy Frank Legacy Lectureship Endowment

The University of Calgary and the McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health thanks the friends, family, and colleagues of Dr. Cy Frank who have contributed to the Cy Frank Legacy Lectureship endowment.

We continue to accept donations to ensure this lectureship can have national impact for years to come. 

Past Cy Frank Legacy Lectures

Access recordings and summaries of the past Cy Frank Legacy Lectureships.

Robyn Tamblyn

2024: Dr. Robyn Tamblyn

Dr. Robyn Tamblyn presents: "Innovations in Clinical Care"

Walter Herzog

2023: Walter Herzog

Dr. Walter Herzog presents: "Harnessing innovative preclinical models to advance osteoarthritis research and treatment"

Dr. Ewa Roos

2022: Dr. Ewa Roos

Dr. Ewa Roos presents: "Osteoarthritis: Putting science into action – why not now?"

William Ghali

2021: Dr. William Ghali

Dr. William Ghali presents: ""The Impact of Science and the Science of Impact," for an online lecture. 

Gillian Hawker

2020: Dr. Gillian Hawker

Dr. Gillian Hawker presents: “Osteoarthritis: A Not-So-Silent Killer” for an online lecture.

Stefan Lohmander

2019: Dr. Stefan Lohmander

Dr. Stefan Lohmander presents: "Changing the narrative: Progress and challenges of improving osteoarthritis (OA) care"

Dames Sally Davies

2018: Dame Sally Davies

Dame Sally Davies presents: "Compression of Morbidity: The Role of Big Data. Are there lessons for Canada?"

Tom Noseworthy

2017: Dr. Tom Noseworthy

Dr. Tom Noseworthy presents:  "Innovation in healthcare: Lines of sight to policy and practice"

Alan Bernstein

2016: Alan Bernstein

Dr. Alan Bernstein presents: "The Promise of Health Sciences in the 21st Century – a Revisit"

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