Our partners help us turn research into action
The McCaig Institute is committed to putting research into action and has partnered with the Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute (ABJHI) and the Bone and Joint Health Strategic Clinical Network (BJHSCN) to establish a complete knowledge translation pipeline.

Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute
The Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute (ABJHI) is Canada’s only independent institute for channeling knowledge into better bone and joint health care services and the nation’s leading organization for engaging stakeholders in adopting best practices. ABJHI is a not-for profit institute and registered charity.
With a team comprising project and quality improvement managers, analysts, statisticians, knowledge translators and researchers, ABJHI’s work involves designing and evaluating innovative, evidence-based ways to deliver bone and joint health care services, measuring and reporting health care service performance, and managing a growing repository of rich and valuable bone and joint health care data
To learn more about ABJHI, click here.

Bone and Joint Health Strategic Clinical Network
Alberta Health Services, the provincial health authority, has developed strategic clinical networks in key areas to find new and innovative ways to deliver healthcare to provide better quality of care and improve patient outcomes. The Bone and Joint Health Strategic Clinical Network (BJH SCN) brings together clinicians, patients, educators, researchers, policy makers, business leaders, and others to improve access, quality, safety and sustainability of bone and joint health care in Alberta.
To learn more about the BJH SCN, click here.