Imaging equipment in the MoJo
Imaging equipment in the MoJo is available for use by researchers, clinicians and community imaging partners.

Digital radiography (x-ray)
Technical Specifications:
GE Discovery XR 656
- Volume RAD
- Dual energy subtraction
- Auto image paste

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Technical Specifications:
GE Optima 430s 1.5T
- Extremity scanner
- High signal-to-noise ratio
- Multiple coils for specific joint

Dual-energy CT/GSI
Technical Specifications:
GE Revolution HD GSI
- Gemstone Spectyral Imaging (140 kV and 80 kV fast switching)
- VEO for ultra low dose image reconstruction

Technical Specifications:
GE Logiq S8
- Multiple transducers
- Examination rooms
- Elastography

High-resolution peripheral quantitative CT (Xtreme-CT)
Technical Specifications:
XtremeCT (I and II)
- Extremity scanner
- Hands, wrists, ankles and knees
- 61 µm resolution
- Low dose

Dual Energy x-ray absorpitiometry (DXA)
Technical Specifications:
- Bone mineral density
- Body composition/lean mass
- Trabecular bone score (TBS)

Bi-planar x-ray (EOS)
Technical Specifications:
- Simultaneous bi-planar x-ray
- High geometric accuracy
- Low radiation dose for specialized pediatric application
Peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) system
Technical Specifications:
XCT 3000
- Pediatric imaging
- Bone structure and density
- Muscle cross-sectional area
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